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Kaaba Kiswa factory looking modern technology

Kaaba Kiswa factory looking modern technology -

Kaaba Kiswa factory looking modern technology

admin | February 15, 2014 | 0 Comments

Makkah: The historic factory that manufactures the Kiswa, the coating of the sacred Kaaba in Mecca is exploring importing state-of-the-art technologies from the United States, Japan, Switzerland, Italy and Germany, to upgrade its facilities in line with modern times. Mohammed Abdullah Bajada, plant manager, said the factory has set up a committee to study the modernization process including cladding, sewing and embroidery of Kiswa. On 1 July 1927, King Abdul Aziz ordered the construction of a special plant to be exclusively dedicated to the manufacture of Kiswa in Ajyad district in Mecca. The plant, which was built on an area of ​​1,500 square meters, was the first of its kind to be set up in Mecca.
When the factory was set up, the Kingdom provided all materials needed to manufacture the Kiswa, including silk, dyes and looms, besides recruiting labor. In 1962, King Saud ordered a house to make the Kiswa should be set up in Mecca. Later, in 1977, the new plant in Umm Al-Kiswa Jud in Mecca was inaugurated under the reign of King Khaled, although the inauguration ceremony took place in the era of King Faisal. The new plant incorporates the departments devoted to various operations involved in the manufacture of Kiswa, including dyeing and silk weaving, embroidering entries whose Kiswa is decorated and put together different sections of the Kiswa. About 0 craftsmen combine their talents to make the Kiswa

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