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Turkish President Gül warns of "Middle Age Darkness'

Turkish President Gül warns of "Middle Age Darkness' -

Turkish President Gul warns of" Middle Age Darkness

admin | November 15, 2013 | 0 Comments

Istanbul President Abdullah Gül issued a stern warning about the crisis in the Middle East, saying policy ethnic and sectarian identity could presage a dark medieval era through the Muslim world like the Middle Ages of Europe. Speaking at the Forum Istanbul organized by the Centre for Strategic Communication (Stratim) on October 4, Gul warned against the possibility of a conflict "within civilizations" to be more damaging than a clash of civilizations of the Middle East, describing it as a doomsday scenario of the world. "There is no possibility or probability that any country, sect, or community can get the recipient of such period. In other words, this scenario will lead to a" clash within civilizations "that will be more detrimental than a "clash of civilizations" and is the nightmare scenario where everybody loses, "said Gul an audience that included participants from Syria, Egypt, Iran, Russia and the European Union

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