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Warm Poem on Islam Moves Secretary General of the UN

Warm Poem on Islam Moves Secretary General of the UN -

warm Poem on Islam Moves the UN Secretary General

of administration | July 15, 2015 | 0 Comments

poem by girl

Brussels: During his recent visit to Brussels, the Secretary General of the UN Ban Ki-moon met 10 years Douaa Abu Kabouss a Belgian Muslim of Moroccan origin who shared his views on world peace and Islam through a short poem she wrote for Ki-moon. Young Kabouss spoke of the "pain, war, terrorism, radicalism," she sees on TV, and how they make her very sad, because it's not what her parents taught her.
It relates to recite his poem where she says "I love my belief. He showed me not to be a thief. I have shown that I am reliable, to be helpful and kind. . Here's how Islam is in my mind "
Finally, Kabouss summarized that political leaders have spoken in extended sincere speech to four lines saying," I have a dream, to see the world as one team. If you can accept us as the same, then together we can play a game "

Class :. Muslim World News

Tag : berita

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