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Ancient Library in Morocco Restored

Ancient Library in Morocco Restored -

Ancient Library restored in Morocco

admin | June 15, 2016 | 0 Comments
This April 14, 2016, photo shows the reading room of the Al-Qarawiyyin mosque in Fez, Morocco

This April 14, 2016, photo shows the reading room of the Al-Qarawiyyin mosque in Fez, Morocco

Fes (Morocco): Founded 12 centuries ago by a woman and nestled in the old city of Fes, Morocco University of Al-Qarawiyyin library is one of the oldest libraries in the world, home to unique precious Islamic manuscripts by historians. Yet it was largely hidden from the public. The architect leader of its restoration, Fez native Aziza Chaouni, did not even know it existed until she was invited to work. Chaouni hope it will mark an ideological shift, too. So far, the privilege of using the library was limited to researchers seeking formal permission, and the authorities have not yet decided to change that. Calligraphic drawings on the walls patterned ceramic on floors and wood carvings on the ceilings, the digital footprint of almost all ruling dynasty since the 9th century can be seen in the architecture. A pious and wealthy Muslim woman of the Tunisian city of Kairaouan, Fatima al-Fihri, provided that the allocation for the construction of al-Qarawiyyin the 9th century. Originally a mosque, it expanded in the 10th century to become a university. The library houses a collection of manuscripts written by leading thinkers in the region, including "Muqadimmah." Other texts of Ibn Khaldun include a copy of 9th century Koran written in Kufic calligraphy, and a manuscript about the school Maliki of Islamic jurisprudence by Ibn Rashd, also known as Averroes. the manuscripts are now kept in a secure room, with strict temperature and humidity control.

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