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68% of Muslims to vote for Obama

68% of Muslims to vote for Obama -

68% of Muslims to vote for Obama

admin | November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

At least 25% of American Muslims registered voters were undecided on who to vote for in the presidential election this November, according to a poll released Oct. 24 The survey also found that 91% of registered Muslim voters go to the polls on
November 6. the random 500 registered Muslim voters survey was conducted in the first two weeks of October. It was held by
an independent research firm on behalf of the Council, based in Washington on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Muslim group of American civil defense first.

68% of respondents said they will vote to re-elect President Obama. Only 7% said they will vote for Mitt Romney. American Muslims tilt toward the Democratic Party shows up when over 100 Muslim delegates representing some 20 countries attended the Democratic Convention in Charlotte, N.C., last September. This represents an increase of 25 delegates in 04.

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