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Call for restraint in issuing Fatwas

Call for restraint in issuing Fatwas -

Call for restraint in issuing Fatwas

admin | September 15, 2015 | 0 Comments

cairo meeting

Cairo Wrapping up a two-day conference, Muslim religious leader called for moderation in issuing religious edicts (fatwa) in their attempt to counter extremist fatwas that allow commit atrocities. The muftis and clerics from several countries have agreed on the formation of Muslim scholars and coordination on issues of Islamic law.
"You do not have to be reminded that leniency in the treatment of fatwas that excommunicate Muslims led to" murder and blood, "Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayyeb, head of al-Azhar, based in Cairo, told the conference. In a closing statement, the clerics called for greater attention to "renew" your money is going in issuing fatwas, and take in modern times into account. The declaration stressed the need to provide training to clerics in modern sciences and give emphasis on the review of social standards when issuing edicts. Clerics in their statement urged the media to accommodate only "legal muftis and authorized" on television programs

Class . Muslim World News

Tag : berita

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