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Senegalese imam says' Green Jihad "to protect the environment

Senegalese imam says' Green Jihad "to protect the environment -

Senegalese imam says' Green Jihad 'to protect the environment

admin | September 15, 2015 | 0 Comments


A Senegalese imam called for "Green Jihad" against pollution, urging the parliament of his country and the entire Muslim community to engage in it which is a clear Islamic duty to protect the environment. Stressing the principles relating to the environment of Islam, Imam Youssoupha Sarr said in an interview with al-Jazeera network in English that he can not believe how the people of his Muslim nation are accustomed to live in an environment polluted with plastic bags and other waste. "Islam is clear on the issue of the environment," said Sarr, adding: "Any form of pollution or harm to the environment is a sin and clearly prohibited. People need to be reminded of that. "Calling Sarr for strong measures against pollution have mobilized the Parliament of Senegal. The African countries recently banned the use of plastic bags nationwide.
Therefore, those who litter the streets or the environment with plastic bags may face imprisonment for up to six months, and a heavy fine. the people in the impoverished nation, however, continue to use plastic bags and censored the parliament to outlaw the use of plastic bags without offering people alternatives. major industries of the country, such as fish processing, textiles, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing of painting and food processing reject often their waste in the sea or in open fields due to inappropriate agricultural practices, Senegal faces the loss of green land

Class .: . Muslim World News

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