Muslim leaders call for peace after Mall Attack
Nairobi Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims (Supkem) leaders strongly condemned the attack on the Westgate shopping center, saying it was against their religion and Islamic teachings. Adan Wachu the Secretary General of the Council in a statement said: "We condemn in the strongest terms the attack against peace loving Kenyans and international guests who chose to live and work in Kenya." "We do not support not the indiscriminate killing of innocent men, women and children. It is against all the teachings and principles of Islam, "he added. Wachu also urged all Muslim brothers to come in large numbers and donate blood and volunteer in health care facilities and provide care and treatment to the injured. He said the attackers tried to create a rift between Muslims and non-Muslims. "I ask all Kenyans to remain calm and not to be divided for sectarian reasons by unfortunate incident, "he explained.Mombasa County Senator Hassan Omar echoed the sentiments by Muslim leaders asking Al Shabaab attackers to the mall to go to the people and surrender to authorities.Omar explained that Islam does not advocate violence and murder. "If those who took the hostages can hear us, please let the people in the mall will. Our religion does not support the idea to kill and commit such heinous attacks on innocent people, s 'please just let go and let them go alive, "he pleaded.Speaking during a press conference at the Jamia mosque, he said that the police should also take decisive precautions to avoid raising tensions Kenyans. "We urged the people and the police to be cautious and not allow those who want to divide this nation victory. We lived in peace as a nation and there is no reason why we should start fight, "said Omar
Class . Muslim world News
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