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Muslims and Jews gather to pray

Muslims and Jews gather to pray -

Muslims and Jews gather to pray

admin | July 15, 2015 | 0 Comments


Los Angeles: As part of an initiative called Two Faiths Prayer, a group of Jews and Muslims from California met in a beach in Los Angeles pray in a demonstration of solidarity. "We were so surprised that we could do together and it is very similar," said Maryam participant Saleemi. Sounds worshipers reciting their prayers in their respective languages, Hebrew and Arabic mingled with the waves crash . as the devotees put their prayer mats, Saleemi added: "It was like an" Aha Moment "we pray to the same God, why do we do all the time together"? Two Faiths, One Prayer took the initiative and led a group of 20 Muslims and Jews at five different sites throughout the city. The event was organized by the members of New Ground, an interfaith organization aimed at strengthening the relationship between Muslims and Jews.

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