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American photographer Holds Exhibition on Muslim Rohingyas

American photographer Holds Exhibition on Muslim Rohingyas -

American Photographer Holds Exhibition on Rohingya Muslims

admin | August 15, 2015 | 0 Comments

american photographer

Istanbul Using art to sensitize Muslims oppressed Rohingya, an award-winning American photographer Greg Constantine held an exhibition in Istanbul to provide an overview of the situation of the Muslim minority in Mynamar.
entitled, "exiled to Nowhere", the exhibition presents a collection of photographs that reflect the suffering of the Rohingya Muslims in the majority Buddhist country.
"Inside Myanmar, conditions Rohingyas live in are quite like apartheid They are confined to a geographical area;. They can not come, they can not go, they receive very little. medical aid and education for their children, "said Constantin Anadolu Agency. Gathered from 12 Constantine visits to Burma, the exhibition has already been held in Washington, Bangkok and Geneva to shed light on the persecution and abuse faced by Rohingya Muslims.
From his first visit to Rohingya communities in volatile Rakhine State of Myanmar in 06, the American photographer later made eight subsequent trips in the region.
"I am so shocked by the situation that the Rohingyas living there," said Constantin, accusing the international community of paying little attention to the community. The exhibition is being held in Fotografhanesi Galata in Beyoglu district in Istanbul

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