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French company launches kit to detect the presence of pork in food

French company launches kit to detect the presence of pork in food -

French company launches kit to detect the presence of pork in flour

of administration | December 6, 2014 | 0 Comments

Paris: A French company has developed a new kit that is sold in the country for the presence of pork or alcohol in various produce. The "test Halal" is for the Muslim market and quickly claims for the presence of pork in every meal. Priced at € 6.0 each or € 125 for a package of 25, a device simply called "Test Halal, the device consists of a band which the consumer must put in a glass of warm water containing a sample of . food After a few minutes, the test will then show one of two options. one is a bar for a negative test or two bars for a positive, which means there is alcohol or pork presents "L appearance of two red lines means that we have this pig, "said Abderrahmane Chaoui, one of the creators of the product. The product is the result of Chaoui, 25, and his classmate, 27, Jean-François Julien. The "Halal test" can be used not only with food but also with drinks, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Finally, the company, despite being in its germination phase hopes to change it so that it is possible to recognize if the test animal whose meat has been slaughtered according to Islamic rites, "based on oxygenation blood." This means that the test would really become a test to see if all the meat was halal, rather than directly prohibited. In addition, early in 2011, Halal sausages labeled by society Knacki Herta had to be removed from supermarkets after tests showed the presence of pork. falsely labeled halal food has been the focus of some scandals in France in recent years. the Muslim population in France has reached an estimated $ 6.5 million in 2013 and there are probably a large market for such a product, especially in the wake of the horse meat scandal in Europe.

Class : Muslim World News

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