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llegals can leave without penalty

llegals can leave without penalty -

llegals can leave without penalty

admin | March 15, 2013 | 0 Comments

Jeddah: Expats without legal documents that have been blocked in Saudi Arabia for years, have a golden opportunity to end their ordeal benefiting amnesty announced last month. Labour Minister Adel Fakeih announced the plan to clean up the labor market. She said the undocumented foreign workers can leave Saudi Arabia on exit visas only without penalty. Fakeih said this at the opening of a forum of regional governorates to Saudization committees. He said the forum aimed to address the excess of foreign workers and violations of the laws of Iqama and labor. He defended the levy SR 2400, saying it was imposed to protect the interests of the nation. Indian Consul General Faiz Ahmad Kidwai welcomed the initiative of the Ministry of Labour and hopes illegal workers would make use of the offer. "There are many Indian workers who face problems with Iqama" said Kidwai. "Many of them have difficulties in renewing their iqamas. Some of them could not even find their sponsors. "According to a report, there are about 50,000 Indian workers who allegedly fled their sponsors

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