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"Iranian women more empowered" Molaverdi

"Iranian women more empowered" Molaverdi -

"Iranian women more empowered" Molaverdi

admin | March 15, 2015 | 0 Comments


Vatican: "Since the 1979 revolution, Iranian women have made great progress and are in many ways better their counterparts in other Muslim countries in the region. However, their work has not been done yet, they still have a long way to go, "said Shahindokht Molaverdi, Vice President of the Islamic Republic of Iran for women and family participation Affairs. Ms. Molaverdi spoke to Asia News after she was at the Vatican for a meeting with a delegation from the Pontifical Council for the Family. At the same time, the Vice President of Iran also met Francis. She said that the female population in Iran is distinguished in the field of education. "There is no comparison with other Muslim countries in the region in terms of education, university enrollment and graduation rates. Currently, 60 percent of university students are women. Such a good level of literacy also has positive effects on health. the welfare of women is better than in other countries, "said Ms. Molaverdi Asia News. However," With regard to participation in the economy, travel is still long, "the vice president said. "The same goes for income. For the same work, women earn less than men"

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