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Muslim Lawyers Fight Islamic myths Dialogue With

Muslim Lawyers Fight Islamic myths Dialogue With -

Muslim Lawyers Fight Islamic Dialogue With Myths

admin | November 15, 2015 | 0 Comments

muslim lawyer

Debunking the myths surrounding Islam and Muslims, Ugandan Muslim lawyers have started a new center for the law to defend the issues affecting Muslim community and correcting wrong misconceptions associated with their faith. "Christians are afraid to employ Muslims because they think they are a threat to security, the terrorists and extremists," Jaffer Senganda, founder and president of the Islamic Center for Justice and Law in Uganda, told "These stereotypes have to be watered down because we insist now on the bright side of Muslims and Islam through dialogue." Senganda is one of the lawyers who started the Muslim Center justice and law as well as other Muslim lawyers to advocate for issues affecting members of the Muslim community. This includes the representation of legal aid for Muslims without money and Muslim women. "We are sheikhs, imams , students and community leaders on strengthening peace, interfaith work and the dangers of domestic violence, "said Senganda. (From

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