IBT publish first Quranic Encyclopedia English
Kuala Lumpur: The Islamic Book Trust based in Kuala Lumpur (IBT) announced that it will print the Integrated Encyclopedia of the Qur'an in English and help spread the message of Islam in the whole world . PK Kutty Haji Koya, Executive Secretary of the publishing house nonprofit Arab News said, "This is the first Quranic encyclopedia in English in the world and scientific work is prepared entirely by Muslims. The encyclopedia will be produced as a joint venture between the Center for Islam and science in Canada and the Society of Koranic studies in Pakistan. Kutty said the encyclopedia will have references to a wide range of traditional Muslim sources, including lexicons, exegeses, Hadith collections, biographical dictionaries, universal stories, works of jurisprudence, prophetic biographies and moral psychology dissertations. the publisher Malaysian, IBT was established in 1991 for the promotion of Islamic books and literature
(reported by PK Abdul Ghafoor)
category .: Muslim world News
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