Anglican Archbishops Meet the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar
Cairo : Alliances have been formed for peace between Muslims and Christians in Sudan, South Sudan and Malaysia . The Primate of Jerusalem and the Middle East, Archbishop Mouneer Anis, organized meetings between Anglican leaders and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar and the Coptic Pope. The Archbishop of Sudan, the Most Rev. Daniel Deng, thanked the Grand Imam Dr. Ahmed el-Tayyeb, for making statements that "led moderation in Sudanese society and saved lives." The leaders encouraged Dr. el-Tayyeb to "play a role in the fight against fake Islamic teachings that spreads by extremists, particularly in Africa." Answer, the great Imam said that Al-Azhar is determined correct these false teachings that often lead to terrorism and violence.
the great Imam expressed his appreciation for the "fraternal relations with the Anglican Church in Egypt" and stressed the importance of partnership and collegiality among religious leaders for the common good of humanity.
"It is important that we work together to overcome the challenges that are facing the world," said Dr. Al-Tayyeb.
category : Muslim World News
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