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Saudi Arabia Outlaws Domestic Violence

Saudi Arabia Outlaws Domestic Violence -

Saudi Arabia Outlaws Domestic Violence

admin | October 15, 2013 | 0 Comments

Riyadh Saudi Arabia passed a law criminalizing domestic violence, usually targeting women and children
The "protection against abuse" legislation approved by the. Cabinet is to protect the population against "all forms of violence" and offering them shelter and "psychological, and social, medical," it said. The law, approved during a cabinet meeting recently came several months after a local charity has launched a national campaign to combat violence against women. Saudi Arabia has often faced international criticism for its lack of laws that protect women and domestic workers against abuse. Under the bill 17-section, those found guilty of committing a psychological or physical abuse could face imprisonment up to one year and up to $ 13,300 in fines. Women are the main victims of domestic violence with "98 percent of physical violence committed by men against women," he said. The law gives those who report abuse of the right to anonymity and immunity against prosecution, should abuse fail to prove in court. The law could be a step towards the evolution of current regulations that require women to obtain approval guardians - fathers, husbands or son, to do business, apply for jobs or travel outside the country.

Class : Muslim World News

Tag : berita

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