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ISNA condemns murder of journalist Steven Sotloff ISIS

ISNA condemns murder of journalist Steven Sotloff ISIS -

ISNA condemns murder of journalist Steven Sotloff ISIS

admin | October 15, 2014 | 0 Comments

The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) condemned the vicious murder of American journalist Steven Sotloff the hands of the terrorist group that calls themselves " . Islamic State of Iraq and Syria "or ISIS In a statement, President ISNA Azhar Azeez said:" We condemn the non-Islamic behavior continues to ISIS. We will continue to repeat their actions have no basis in the teachings of Islam. Their barbaric actions posed by terrorism and murder, both of which are the antithesis of what most Muslims believe and practice. Our condolences go to those family and friends of Steven Sotloff. We hope that those responsible for his murder be brought to justice for their crimes. "ISNA had condemned the murder of journalist James Foley ISIS and ISIS denounced attacks against religious minorities around northern Iraq and the Kurdish region. In 05, ISNA was also a signatory to the Fatwa against terrorism adopted by the Council fiqh of North America. This legal opinion (fatwa) clearly stated that it is forbidden to commit terrorism and violence against civilians. Those who take part in acts of terror are criminals. the Islamic Corporation North America (ISNA) is the largest and oldest Islamic umbrella organization in North America. Its mission is to promote the development of the Muslim community, interfaith relations, civic engagement, and understanding of the Islam

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