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Bethlehem Christians fast for Ramadan with Muslims

Bethlehem Christians fast for Ramadan with Muslims -

Bethlehem Christians fast Ramadan with Muslims

admin | August 15, 2014 | 0 Comments

Bethlehem: Christians in the city of Bethlehem in the West Bank, the birthplace of Jesus Christ, joined the Muslim inhabitants of the city ​​in the Ramadan fast in the continuity of a centuries-old tradition of interfaith solidarity.
Mike Kanawati, a Christian resident of Bethlehem, who runs a souvenir shop and jewelery, fasting day of Ramadan with his Muslim neighbors.
"My grandmother used to fasting, Muslim fasting both Christian and, and we were brought up that way to show respect and solidarity with other religions," said Kanawati.
"the fasting, either the Christian or Muslim way, felt the pain of those who do not have food, "he added. Kanawati said he was proud "like many other Christians" of Muslim fasting month of Ramadan and stressed that this did not diminish his Christian faith.
He revealed that some of his Muslim friends in his turn perform the Christian fasting, such as abstaining from eating cheese, meat and milk, in demonstration of solidarity with the Christians.
tradition Kanawati stressed, was preserved over the generations Muslims and Christians who lived in Bethlehem for hundreds of years.
Bethlehem has a Muslim majority, but is also one of the largest Palestinian Christian communities.
in a survey of Christians in Bethlehem conducted in 06 by the Palestinian Center for research and cultural dialogue, 0% reported having Muslim friends, 73.3% said that the Palestinian Authority respects Christian heritage in the city, and 78% said that emigration of Christians from Bethlehem was due to Israeli travel restrictions in the area. (

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