Muslim Open the first mosque in Janesville
Breaking the barriers of community, Muslims have opened the doors of the first mosque in Janesville in southern Wisconsin, USA, the introduction of true Islam to visitors. "People are worried that Muslims are a certain type of threat," the keeper of the mosque, Salih Erschen, Gazettextra said. "If they do not know about the faith and practice, ideas and what Muslims are concentrated in life, while causing a little scared. I always encourages Muslims to open their doors and invite people to talk about what our faith is and share. This was my approach, to try and be more open about it. "Erschen hosted the public meeting to help educate the community about Islam. The opening policy has worked well after more residents have experienced Islamic culture first hand that Erschen shared a short message about social injustice and God's role in the world. Visitors included Christians from neighboring churches who were curious of the mosque. "We have an interest in Islam, but not an interest in becoming a Muslim," the Rev. David King of Christ Presbyterian Church on Wright route said, speaking for himself and his wife, Priscilla King
Class . Muslim world News
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