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Trains from Mecca-Medina in 2016

Trains from Mecca-Medina in 2016 -

trains Mecca-Medina in 2016

admin | October 15, 2015 | 0 Comments

Jeddah: The bus will no longer be used to transport pilgrims to and from Mecca and Medina when the Haramain Railway Highspeed starts operating in December the next year. A total of 35 trains will be used to transport two million pilgrims, in addition to the million Umrah pilgrims. Work on the stations of Madinah Rabigh has been completed and work on the stations in Makkah and Jeddah are nearing completion. The gear test period on the Madinah-Rabigh sector is being
(Narrated by Abdul Aziz Ghazzawi, Saudi Gazette)

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