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Indonesians spend more on cigarettes after rice

Indonesians spend more on cigarettes after rice -

Indonesians spend more on cigarettes after rice

admin | June 22, 2012 | 0 Comments

Anti-tobacco advocates in Indonesia plan to file a class-action lawsuit this month using cases of child addicts in the hope of forcing tougher regulations a society where one in three people smokes. The trial against the tobacco companies and the Indonesian government
argues that the weak regulation has left children dangerously exposed to the risks of smoking. Indonesia is something of a paradise
for smokers and tobacco companies, with the fifth largest population of smokers. It is a widely tolerated habit and that, even in this relatively poor archipelago most can afford to feed. The vast majority of Indonesian smokers puff cigarettes laced with cloves, called kretek, a word based on the crackling noise made by burning, very fragrant spices. So pervasive is the habit that tobacco products are the number two item in household expenditure after rice, according to the statistics office. The health worker Husein blames advertising. Billboards in the main street near the functionality of cigarette ads from the village and local entertainment events are often sponsored by tobacco companies. It is a scene repeated across the vast network of Indonesia islands. The annualcost of smoking-related diseases is estimated up to 11 billion rupees, said the analyst, Abdillah Ahsan of the University Institute of Demography Indonesia

Class :. Muslim World News, World News

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