"combat Misunderstandings through Education": Toledo Imam
Toledo, Ohio: There many misunderstandings about Islam and how to combat them is through education, said Imam and Director of religious Affairs at the Islamic Center of Greater Toledo Talal Eid. Eid is an expert in interreligious dialogue and Muslim relations -chrétien-Jew who worked for the presidential administrations as George W. Bush and Barack Obama as Commissioner to the US Commission on international religious freedom. A famous Muslim scholar, theologian and activist, spoke Eid worldwide for promote knowledge of Islam and religious freedom. He has over 40 years experience as an imam and marriage and family therapist.
"People are quick to take Muslim men are terrorists and Muslim women are oppressed. About 70 percent of people do not understand that there is a difference between Islam and terrorism, but many do not, and how to change this is through education, "he said.
Class : Muslim World News
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