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No law of Terror can serve Islam, "Muslim Organisations US

No law of Terror can serve Islam, "Muslim Organisations US -

no law of Terror can serve Islam," Muslim Organisations US

admin | January 15, 2015 | 0 Comments

islamic society
islamic circle

Washington: efforts Muslim organizations is, the United States rejected by the Taliban and other extremist groups hiding behind Islam to justify their violent agenda day.
"No act of terror will ever serve the cause of Islam," said the All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS), a Muslim group leading. In separate messages, all major Muslim groups States STATES also rejected the Taliban claim that the brutal attack last month on a school in Peshawar was jihad.
"the souls of the depraved people who carried out this attack are beyond redemption, and, of course, already lost in the darkness of evil that inspired their action, "said Adams.
" There can be no justification, religious or otherwise, for the murder of innocent school children and school staff " said the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the largest Muslim organization in the United States and Canada.
"Our deepest condolences and prayers go to the victims and their families of this senseless attack," said the president of ISNA Azhar Azeez.
Islamic Circle of North America, the second largest Muslim group in the region, described the attack on Peshawar school as "senseless and brutal and noted that the Tehrik-i-Taliban was" fast to claim responsibility for the act appallingly inhuman ".

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