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Kazakhstan, one of the leading countries welcome investment

Kazakhstan, one of the leading countries welcome investment -

Kazakhstan, one of the leading investment friendly country

admin | March 15, 2013 | 0 Comments

Astana Kazakhstan is a leading country investing friends in the world. Since 1993 to date Kazakhstan has attracted foreign investments worth more than $ 0 billion. In recent years, the per capita GDP of Kazakhstan increased from $ 700 to $ 12,500. The country is only three positions behind the United States in the top 10 foreign direct investment (FDI) recipient, with a position between the Czech Republic and Malaysia, according to Kazakh sources. The country is rich in natural resources including oil, gas and uranium. Kazakhstan is the world's largest producer of uranium, chromium, phosphate, lead, molybdenum, gold, coal and iron. Kazakhstan has a huge potential for transit for goods moving between Asia to European markets. Kazakhstan has a strong and stable position politically and economically by the 21 years of national independence. This is also an essential reason to make the competitive market of Kazakhstan on global investment

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