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Iran unveils Memorial Honoring Heroes Jews

Iran unveils Memorial Honoring Heroes Jews

- Iran unveils Memorial Honoring Heroes Jews

admin | January 15, 2015 | 0 Comments


Tehran: The authorities in Tehran unveiled a monument to the Iranian Jewish soldiers killed who died in the country, long AOS and bitter war with Iraq between 1980 and 1988. pictures of the ceremony published by Iran, IRNA news agency AOS showed Iranian officials and members of the Jewish community pray together and place wreaths on the graves of soldiers, which have been hailed as, Äúmartyrs. at a public ceremony marked the opening memorial, aos 15 December, with speeches that took place at a dais flanked by the Iranian flag and a menorah. Banners showed images of fallen soldiers, hailed as, Äúmartyrs at Farsi and Hebrew inscriptions, Washington Post reported. Iran has the Middle East, AOS second largest population of Jews, with about 25,000 live there now, mostly in Tehran, Isfahan, and the southern city of Shiraz. Before the mass exodus after the 1979 Islamic revolution, Jews were over 100,000 in the country. There are dozens of active synagogues throughout Iran that attract large gatherings and Jews, like other minorities, are guaranteed a fixed number of seats in parliament. Scott Lucas, an Iran specialist at the University of Birmingham in Britain and publisher of EA World View website said the monument allows the Iranian government to respect its claims that it accepts the country, AOS and religious minorities ethnic.
(www.ummid .com)

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